Wie Heißen Die Opas Von Der Muppet Show
Zitate und Sprüche aus der Muppet Testify
Die Muppet Show ist eine zwischen 1976 und 1981 produzierte, erfolgreiche britisch-amerikanische Puppen- und Comedy-Serie mit den Muppets von Jim Henson und Frank Oz. Die Muppet Show ist ein Varieté mit verschiedenen Unterhaltungs-Darbietungen von Puppen mit jeweils einem prominenten Gaststar pro Folge.

Sometimes me think, "What is a friend?" And so me say, "a friend is someone to share the last cookie with."
Kekse Krümelmonster in Die Muppet Evidence
Statler: "Mit den Jahren gefällt mir die Show immer besser."
Waldorf: "Weil die Witze immer besser werden?"
Statler: "Nein, weil mein Gehör immer schlechter wird!"
Waldorf & Statler in Die Muppet Show
Statler: "Do you think this bear witness is educational?"
Waldorf: "Yeah. Information technology'll drive people to read books."
Waldorf & Statler in Dice Muppet Prove, Staffel one Episode two
Piggy: "Ich weiß nicht, Dr. Bob, ich glaube, er hat Fieber. Er fühlt sich and then heiß an."
Dr. Bob: "So? Na, dann holen Sie mal das Senftöpfchen!"
Piggy: "Wieso Senf?"
Dr. Bob: "Na, weil auf Hot Dogs Ketchup oder Senf gehört."
Doctor Bob in Die Muppet Show
Statler: "Sie könnten diese Bear witness ja sehr leicht verbessern, wenn sie den Schluss ändern würden."
Waldorf: "So, wie denn?"
Statler: "Wenn gleich nach dem Anfang der Schluss käme."
Waldorf & Statler in Die Muppet Prove
Waldorf: "Statler isn't here this evening, Kermit. He'southward sick."
Kermit: "Oh, that'due south as well bad. The flu?"
Waldorf: "No, the testify. He'southward sick of information technology."
Waldorf & Statler in Die Muppet Show, Staffel 4 Episode thirteen
Waldorf: "But when you think the evidence is terrible, something wonderful happens."
Statler: "What?"
Waldorf: "Information technology ends."
Waldorf & Statler in Die Muppet Show, Staffel four Episode iii
Statler: "I know what is incorrect, with this show, it'due south the theater."
Waldorf: "What'southward wrong with information technology?"
Statler: "The seats confront the stage."
Waldorf & Statler in Die Muppet Show, Staffel two Episode one
Nurse Piggy: "Information technology'due south likewise tardily, Dr. Bob. We've lost him."
Medico Bob: "Well, he couldn't have gone and then far. He was under the sheet just a 2d agone."
Doc Bob in Die Muppet Testify, Staffel 1 Episode 17
Waldorf: "How should we know how to go to Sesame Street?"
Statler: "We don't fifty-fifty know how to go out of this stupid theater box!"
Waldorf & Statler in Die Muppet Testify, Staffel 5 Episode xviii
Waldorf: "Well, this has been an evening to remember."
Statler: "Why?"
Waldorf: "I forgot."
Waldorf & Statler in Die Muppet Evidence, Staffel 4 Episode 18
Waldorf: "Practice you think there'southward life in outer space?"
Statler: "There's certainly none in this theater."
Waldorf & Statler in Die Muppet Show, Staffel 4 Episode 17
Changes happen as time passes by. Before long enough, you'll be grown.
Kermit der Frosch in Die Muppet Show
Statler: "Bist Du bereit für den Weltuntergang?"
Waldorf: "Ja. Schlimmer als diese Show kann er nicht sein."
Statler: "Are you ready for the end of the earth?"
Waldorf: "Sure! It couldn't be any worse than this show."
Waldorf & Statler in Dice Muppet Show, Staffel v Episode 24
You are what you swallow, which I guess makes me part mosquito.
Mücken Kermit der Frosch in Die Muppet Evidence, Before You Leap
Heed everybody, we've got nothing to be aback of. And yous know why? Well because, thanks to Walter here we tried. And if we failed, we failed together and to me that'south not failing at all.
Kermit der Frosch in Die Muppet Show
Statler: "If I didn't know whatsoever improve, I'd say you were reciting some sort of of import plot point."
Waldorf: "I hope so. Otherwise I would've bored one-half the audience half to death."
Statler: "You hateful half the audition is still alive?"
Waldorf & Statler in Dice Muppet Bear witness
I've got a dream too, but information technology's well-nigh singing and dancing and making people happy. That's the kind of dream that gets better the more people yous share it with.
Kermit der Frosch in Die Muppet Testify
Bert: "Ernie... did I brand a consummate fool of myself?"
Ernie: "Absolutely, Bert."
Ernie & Bert in Die Muppet Testify, Staffel 1 Episode 2
Just considering you haven't found your talent all the same, doesn't mean yous don't have one.
Kermit der Frosch in Dice Muppet Testify
Today me will alive in the moment, unless information technology's unpleasant in which case me will eat a cookie.
Kekse Krümelmonster in Dice Muppet Prove
Statler: "Is this movie in 3D?"
Waldorf: "Nope! The Muppets are equally one-dimensional as they've e'er been."
Waldorf & Statler in Die Muppet Testify
Waldorf: "Pay up, they made it through another one."
Statler: "Double or nothing on next calendar week's bear witness?"
Waldorf: "You're on."
Waldorf & Statler in Die Muppet Show, Staffel 1 Episode six
Rico Rodriguez: "Are you ane of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?"
Kermit: "Yep I am!"
Kermit der Frosch in Die Muppet Show
Statler: "I liked that last number."
Waldorf: "What did you lot similar about it?"
Statler: "It was the LAST number."
Waldorf & Statler in Die Muppet Show, Staffel iii Episode vi
Statler: "He was doing okay until he fell off the stage."
Waldorf: "Incorrect. He was doing okay until he came on the phase."
Waldorf & Statler in Die Muppet Testify, Staffel 2 Episode 15
Waldorf: "Yeah, whadya recall?"
Statler: "Beats sitting abode watching television."
Waldorf & Statler in Die Muppet Show, Staffel 1 Episode i
Gonzo: "Hey, Kermit, are you busy?"
Kermit: "Yes, Gonzo, simply I tin give you my ear for a minute."
Gonzo: "What would I do with your ear?"
Kermit: "Van Gogh impressions."
Kermit der Frosch in Die Muppet Show, Staffel 1 Episode nine
Milton Berle: "Y'all're the two guys that I heard most that heckle from the box, huh? At that place they are ladies and gentlemen. Take a good look at them. Starski & Crutch. Now don't start with me boys, don't starting time."
Statler: "Hey, Berle."
Milton Berle: "What?"
Statler: "You know what? I've just figured out your mode."
Milton Berle: "Really?"
Statler: "Y'all work like Gregory Peck."
Milton Berle: "Gregory Peck's non a comedian."
Statler: "Well?"
Milton Berle: "At present only a minute, please. I have been a successful comedian one-half of my life."
Waldorf: "How come up nosotros got this half?"
Milton Berle: "Look, did you lot ii come in here to be entertained or not?"
Statler: "That'southward right."
Milton Berle: "What's right?"
Statler: "Nosotros came in here to be entertained, and we're not!"
Milton Berle: "Oh, yeah? I'd like to see yous come downwards hither and exist funny."
Waldorf: "You first!"
Milton Berle: "Don't pay whatever attention to him, folks. He'south the ninth child of a family of viii! Let me tell the story."
Statler: "Hey, hey, Berle!"
Milton Berle: "Ohhh... Yeah, what is it? What is it?"
Statler: "You know what y'all're doing incorrect?"
Milton Berle: "What'yard I doing wrong?"
Statler: "You're standing too shut to the audience."
Milton Berle: "Oh, aye? How is this?"
Statler: "You're still too shut."
Milton Berle: "Oh, distressing. Is this okay?"
Statler: "No, a little more than."
Milton Berle: "How far back practice y'all want me to go?"
Statler: "You got a automobile?"
Milton Berle: "Permit me tell yous something: If you don't stop, I'll have the usher throw you out!"
Waldorf: "He can't. He'due south as well busy."
Milton Berle: "Doing what?"
Waldorf: "Keeping people in!"
Milton Berle: "And y'all're encouraging them! That'southward what y'all're doing! You lot know, I got a good mind to punch you in your olfactory organ."
Waldorf: "Delight, not while I'm property it."
Milton Berle: "That'south very funny."
Waldorf: "Ah, you tin can use it."
Milton Berle: "I don't need your material, pal. I got a one thousand thousand funny lines in the dorsum of my head."
Statler: "Aye? How come they never accomplish your mouth?"
Waldorf & Statler in Die Muppet Show, Staffel ii Episode three
Source: https://www.myzitate.de/die-muppet-show/
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